The hidden story of Scientology - Epilogue

Since being written, events have rolled on.

The FDA case has resulted in a major win for the Scientologists. All the  materials looted from the Founding Church in January 1963, have had to be  returned by the FDA to the Church.

In Australia, Federal recognition of the Church has led to the repeal of the  West Australian Act against Scientology,

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Another major win by the Church-and credit to the Government in Western  Australia.

In South Australia, Repeal is on the Parliamentary Order Paper and is  expected to go through Parliament shortly: again, a nice win for the  Scientologists.

Western Australia has also dropped the proscription on the word  „Scientology“ – another Scientology win.

In Victoria, relations between the Church and the Government I have broken  through the prior ice pack, and are the best for 10 years.

Predictably, South Africa published the report on the inquiry, omitting  totally, evidence from Dr. T. Szasz or the documented evidence on Mr. T. J.  Stander. No action on the report has been taken by the new Minister of Health –  no  doubt due to the retractions by two principal antiScientology witnesses: a  welcome boost for Scientologists in South Africa.

In England, two books concerning the Scientology fight on Rights for the  mentally ill have both commented very favourably on the steps and actions taken  by the Church. The National Association for Mental Health now prefers to be  known as ‚MIND‘, and Miss Mary Applebey, one of the key antagonists against the  Scientologists, quietly left the National Association in December 1973.

On February 14, 1974, the British Home Office opposed the Scientologists in  their plea to take the alien ban restrictions to the European Court of Justice  in Luxembourg. The Home Office had argued that its view was so clearly right as  to preclude the necessity of the case going to Luxembourg. „I am wholly  unable to accept that contention“, said Mr. Justice Pennycuick, who allowed  the Scientologists to make a historical precedent by being the first British  organization ever to refer a case to Luxembourg.

The case will be heard in six months‘ time or so. Meanwhile it is yet another  victory for the Scientologists,

And finally, the biennial reference guide, the Encyclopedia Britannica Year  Book, stated that Scientology was the ‚largest of the new religions‘.


  1. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism. N.Y.- 1951.
  2. The Findings on the U.S. Food and Drug Industry.  Scientology publication.
  3. Rev. Robert H. Thomas, „Religion, Liberty and the  FDA“, in Attack On A Church, a Scientology publication.
  4. Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. at 407.
  5. West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319  U.S. 624, 642, 63 S. Ct. 1178, 87L.Ed. 1628 (1943).
  6. 409 F2d. 1 161.
  7. Washington Post, July 1, 1967